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Explicit Consent


Explicit consent requires users to actively agree to the collection and use of their data by providing clear consent. This is typically required for non-essential cookies, such as those used for tracking or targeting, especially under GDPR regulations.

Explicit consent means that users must actively opt-in to allow the collection and use of their data. This can be done by clicking an "Accept" button or checking a box. For scripts that collect data, explicit consent is crucial to ensure compliance with GDPR.

Rest assured that much research has gone into the study of acceptance rates. ConsentGuard has been designed specifically to get the highest number of opt-ins possible.

How it Works

Adding the script-explicit tag to your scripts ensures they are only loaded if the user explicitly opts in to the relevant categories. These categories are not loaded unless the user consents to them. Selecting the "Accept All" option is an explicit opt-in and will cause these scripts to load.


Identify the script tags on your website that should be controlled by explicit consent and replace them with the script-explicit tag. Add the data-consent-category attribute to specify the category of the script.

<!-- Original script tag -->
<script src="path/to/your/script.js"></script>

<!-- Updated script tag with explicit consent -->

Remember to Include the ConsentGuard JavaScript

Ensure you have included the ConsentGuard JavaScript snippet in your HTML:

<script data-consent-category="essential">
window.cookieConsentOptions = {
privacyPolicyLink: '',

Categories and Their Descriptions

Category Description Implicit for CCPA Explicit for GDPR
essential Essential for basic website functionality. Yes Yes
performance Used for analytics and tracking site performance. Yes No
functional Enable additional functionality like chat widgets or videos. Yes No
targeting Used for advertising and tracking user activity. Yes No
social Enable social media sharing and interactions. Yes No

Important Notes

  • Essential Scripts: Essential scripts should not be tagged with script-explicit as they are necessary for the website's basic functionality and should always be loaded.
  • User Preferences: ConsentGuard will manage the loading of scripts based on the user’s preferences. If a user does not opt in to a category, the corresponding scripts with script-explicit tags will not be loaded.
  • Include consentguard.js: Without the ConsentGuard.js, this tag will not load.