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GraphQL API Documentation


The GraphQL API provides a structured interface to interact with the backend. It enables querying, and mutating data. Below is the documentation for the available operations.


Most mutations and queries require authentication. The auth object must be provided as part of the request. It includes:

Auth Object

Field Type Description
appId String The application ID. Request this from [email protected].
appSecret String The application secret. Request this from [email protected].


Mutation: pageview

Tracks a pageview event for analytics.


mutation HeroPixel($event: PageviewEventInput!) {
pageview(auth: {appId: "", appSecret: ""}, event: $event) {


Parameter Type Required Description
auth AuthInput Yes The authentication credentials.
event PageviewEventInput Yes Details of the pageview event.

PageviewEventInput Fields

Field Type Required Description
email String No The user's email address.
pixelId Int Yes The unique ID for the pixel.
domain String Yes The domain where the event occurred.

Example Request

"query": "mutation HeroPixel($event: PageviewEventInput!) { pageview(auth: { appId: \"\", appSecret: \"\" }, event: $event) { message code data } }",
"variables": {
"event": {
"md5": "",
"pixelId": 1,
"domain": ""

Example CURL Request

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"query": "mutation HeroPixel($event: PageviewEventInput!) { pageview(auth: { appId: \"yourAppIdHere\", appSecret: \"yourAppSecretHere\" }, event: $event) { message code data } }",
"variables": {
"event": {
"md5": "",
"pixelId": 1,
"domain": ""

Example Response

"data": {
"pageview": {
"message": "User Found",
"code": 200,
"data": {}

Response Object

The response object for all API calls adheres to the following structure:

export interface ApiResponseType {
code: number;
message: string;
data: sdk.JSONValue;
  • code: Indicates the result of the operation.
    • 200: Successful operation.
    • 400: Client error, such as invalid input.
    • 500: Server error.
  • message: A descriptive message about the operation's outcome.
  • data: Contains the result of the operation. For errors, this will be an empty object.

For all error responses, the data field will be an empty object, and the message field will describe the issue encountered.


For additional support, contact our development team at [email protected].