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Phone Activity Property


The phone_activity property allows you to tailor your content based on the frequency at which a phone number engages in legitimate user behavior online. This guide provides an overview of how to use the phone_activity property to create personalized experiences and includes a list of potential phone activity values.


The phone_activity property can be used to display content that resonates with the visitor's phone activity level, making your communication more relevant and effective.



{{#if (eq phone_activity "high")}}
Your phone number shows high activity, which indicates you are
an active and engaged user. Enjoy our exclusive offers!
<img src="/images/high_activity.jpg" alt="High Activity" />
{{else if (eq phone_activity "medium")}}
Your phone number shows medium activity. Check out our special
deals tailored for you.
<img src="/images/medium_activity.jpg" alt="Medium Activity" />
{{else if (eq phone_activity "low")}}
Your phone number shows low activity. Discover our latest
promotions and start engaging more.
<img src="/images/low_activity.jpg" alt="Low Activity" />
{{else if (eq phone_activity "none")}}
It looks like your phone number has no recent activity. Sign up
for our newsletter to stay updated with our offers.
<img src="/images/no_activity.jpg" alt="No Activity" />
Welcome! Explore our range of products and services tailored to
various activity levels.
<img src="/images/general_offers.jpg" alt="General Offers" />

In this example, various personalized messages and offers are displayed based on the visitor's phone activity level, providing fresh ideas to enhance user engagement and conversions.

Potential Values

The following table lists the potential values for the phone_activity property:

Value Description
high High frequency of legitimate purchases, account registrations, and online user behavior
medium Medium frequency of legitimate purchases, account registrations, and online user behavior
low Low frequency of legitimate purchases, account registrations, and online user behavior
none No history of legitimate purchases, account registrations, or online user behavior


Using the phone_activity property allows you to personalize your landing pages based on the visitor's phone activity level. By leveraging this property, you can deliver content that resonates with different activity levels, enhancing user engagement and effectiveness.

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